Boomstar Modular SE88 Filter
Our version of the boxy, Blade Runner-sweet and Boomstar-brash dual mode CS80 filter, initially married to the Omega Series Synths, and then tucked-in the 'Stars, now joins the Modstar Collective. We've twisted and turned the SE88 to unflatten the earth, so to speak; the original CS80 fed a HP filter into a LP filter, but with the SE88 your can select MODE 1's HP or BP to feed MODE 2's LP or BP, or patch it to reverse that pleasant path. The audio signal is completely controllable with input and output levels for each filter. Cherish and respect your filter's input gain stages, for a smooth yet often brassy sound—shed your mercy to strike hard for boiling, snarling bite, even to the blackout/cutout point; then and only then, uniquely blend mode settings for the filter family values you revere.
Not available for online sale in the UK and EU—please refer to our International Dealers List.