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Boomstar Modular Charcot Circles

Regular price $219.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $219.00 USD
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Surrender yourselves to the hypnotic, borderline hysterical sway of the CHARCOT CIRCLES (named for Jean-Martin Charcot* "founder of modern neurology”) to awaken your mind and muse. Only the C. C. possesses the organic power and intelligence to identify specific sites in the brain responsible for detailed, sequential, musical functions. Was it not Doc. Jean-Martin who said: "In the last analysis, we see only what we are ready to see, what we have been taught to see."

Who can argue with that, or find fault with Marc Sirguy's compelling and mesmerizing design of our 1st eurorack collaboration with eowave?—a 16 x 8 step sequencer, that can be utilized as an 8 x 16 step track preset (8 CVs & gates), 4 x 32 (4 CVs & gates), 2 x 64 (2 CVs & gates), and 1 x 128 step track preset (1 CV, 1 gate).

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Not available for online sale in the UK and EU—please refer to our International Dealers List.